I didn't realize that I haven't blogged in two-ish weeks, that's a long time. Yeesh.
So here I am, blogging.. but ironically enough, I don't know really
know where to start. I've been pretty busy. School is back in session which is
good and not so good. Good because we have new five year old chicken
noodle babies that are cuter than you can imagine and they
have rejuvenated me and given me a new purpose in my job and not
so good because (even though I love my job) I'd really like to be doing my own
thing at home. It's selfish but completely honest. Sorry.
Last weekend was Chelsea's bachelorette party in Las Vegas. It was my first real
time going to that huge crazy city and I think it's totally right on for
me to say that my mind was fully blown there. Such a loud and crazy place
and I really loved it. Not to mention the good company that I was with
made it all the better. I didn't know if I was going to mention this
but since the bride herself has openly come out with it
on Facebook.. I will tell you here. The first night, all of gals got dressed up and
went out. We at sushi, we walked all over the place, we danced
to our hearts' content, laughed until make up was running down our faces
(mostly just my face) and walked back to our hotel. After we got
back, we thought it would be a good idea to dance some more to some
fun tunes in the hotel room. Chelsea and four other girls got
on the bed and were jumping and dancing away...
...the four girls landed..
..and petite Chelsea was launched off of the bed..
..hit the wall..
..hard, with her little noggin..
..and spent the night in the emergency room with a concussion.
The end!
Haha, just kidding.. that wasn't the end. Chelsea was such a
trooper and I can gladly report that she
has since recovered but let me tell you (!)... that was one crazy night
and one crazy weekend that I will never forget. I haven't
had that much nonstop, 3 day fun in a long time.
Thank you girls. And in honor of Chelsea's little noggin and
big crazy concussion, I will leave you with thee
song that will forever have a special place in our hearts and minds..
..the song that we were dancing to BCF (before Chelsea fell).
Enjoy. :)
"This time babyy, I'll beeeeee BULLETPROOF!"