Friday, December 31, 2010

Farewell 2010

Last picture of 2010!

Well guys, I couldn't leave the year with my last post being about Halloween.
Just didn't feel right. This year's end has been so full of 
new things, new blessings, new people and love. I'm not going to
apologize for my absence but only say that I hope to 
do a little bit better this next year with updating more. I love
having a blog but it most definitely comes second
when life is a bit crazy. I'm so thankful for the all of the good, 
the trials, and the learning that 2010 has brought our way. I look forward
to the new year and everything that will be coming up. 

May the L-rd bless you and keep you.
May the L-rd make His face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you.
May the L-rd lift up His countenance upon you, and give you Shalom peace.

Happy New Year! 2011! :)

Last little family picture. :)