Monday, January 25, 2010

Food Inc.

Last night, Paul and I finally watched Food Inc. We have had it in our Netflix queu for a long time and at last, we were able to watch it. It gave us a lot to think about.. to be honest, this is something we are passionate about and we have already been thinking this way for some time now but this was just the push we needed. I am so thankful for this documentary and I hope that you all will take the time to watch it. It will be a slow transition for us but we will do it, and it starts now. Take a looksie.


katie said...

I keep hearing about this and I know I need to watch it. I'm scared! :)

Miss you!


jennainthesky said...

I miss you tooooo!

Amber said...

I want you to elaborate more. Tell me what it means to you. I asked Candice to write a review for my blog about it...but she hasn't yet...maybe I need to ask Will to. But yes, I want to hear more about it.

the shoppe owner said...

Every time I walk into a supermarket of any kind now (though I am very selective now), and with just about every item I pick up, I think to myself, "What is my vote going to be???"

We have been eating pretty well for the most part for some time (fresh veggies from our "farmer's market", organic produce, cage free organic eggs, and occasionally organic meats (though they are expensive), but when I saw those chickens who could only walk 3 steps before having to REST, I KNEW things completely had to change in our "meat department" at home :) Though we are eating much less meat than we usually have, which, in my opinion, has been VERY beneficial to our overall health. Looking at cultures who have very low rates of obesity (China and middle eastern countries like India, for example), you can see that for the most part, their diets consist of vegetables, whole grains, some meat, and plenty of spices. I am now definitely avoiding farmed fish of any kind, and am looking for "good" meat as far as everything else goes.

It has always baffled me that so many animals were fed with corn. Heck, birds are naturally BUG eaters!!! Why feed them corn??? And feeding corn to FISH?!? What on earth?!? And, dag nabbit, cows should most certainly be eating primarily grasses.

Anyway. I am very passionate about this, as you can see...

Sorry for such an Othello of a comment!

Hugs, Susan

the shoppe owner said...

One last thing. Joel Salatin, the farmer from Virginia who does things "the right way"... I totally wish I had known about him and his farm when I lived in Maryland!!! He delivers right to my old town! And I could have taken my kids on a tour of his farm and everything!

Check it out:

Okay. Really done now.

jennainthesky said...

Amber - Are you wanting my review on this documentary posted here? Or do you want me to send you and email or something like that?

Susan - You crack me up! And I think that you and I are definitely on the same page. I am really looking forward to officially changing over out pantry and refrigerator items. :) I looked at that link and it is very interesting. Funny thing, when Paul and I were watching the movie, I told him that I wanted to be friends with that farmer. He was a real character. Thank you for your thoughtful comment here!

Anonymous said...

I love that farmer too! I'm so happy for you guys :)